Equitots Lanarkshire Pony Booklet

My sister and I were horse mad when we were younger, with model horses, multiple books, and notebooks filled with pony sketches and stories. I still ride, and (when I’m not in lockdown) volunteer with my local Riding for the Disabled group. So creating this booklet for Equitots Lanarkshire was a real pleasure! Lee gaveContinue reading “Equitots Lanarkshire Pony Booklet”

A trip to the Museum

I’m back in Edinburgh for a few months, working as a Clean Up Artist (if you don’t know what that is, here’s an example) on a feature film I can’t talk about yet. It’s a really exciting project and I’m looking forward to sharing more about that, hopefully soon. One of the tricky things withContinue reading “A trip to the Museum”

Inktober 2018 #10 – Bree

Bree (or Breehy-hinny-brinny-hoohy-hah, to give his full name) is the titular horse of The Horse and His Boy. Shasta is the boy. I had wondered about drawing Aravis and Hwin, the other main characters, but there are so many other characters I want to draw I initially decided against it. Now I’m two weeks throughContinue reading “Inktober 2018 #10 – Bree”


Last week my laptop had to go in for repair, so I’ve had to do without a computer for the last few days. It’s been frustrating, given how much I use one! Perhaps it’s good to get a break once in a while. I haven’t been able to edit and post my drawings until now,Continue reading “Bob”