All In Gesture – Viking

Here are some sketches from another fantastic All In Gesture session, with Kelly as a Viking! I was definitely influenced by How to Train Your Dragon …

A trip to the Museum

I’m back in Edinburgh for a few months, working as a Clean Up Artist (if you don’t know what that is, here’s an example) on a feature film I can’t talk about yet. It’s a really exciting project and I’m looking forward to sharing more about that, hopefully soon. One of the tricky things withContinue reading “A trip to the Museum”

Knife Designs

Early last year I created some concept art for a feature film. Unfortunately the prop I worked on has since been cut from the story, but I’m able to share it here with you. The first three images were quite general explorations to get a feel for what the director wanted. I enjoyed thinking aboutContinue reading “Knife Designs”