A trip to the Museum

I’m back in Edinburgh for a few months, working as a Clean Up Artist (if you don’t know what that is, here’s an example) on a feature film I can’t talk about yet. It’s a really exciting project and I’m looking forward to sharing more about that, hopefully soon. One of the tricky things withContinue reading “A trip to the Museum”

Knife Designs

Early last year I created some concept art for a feature film. Unfortunately the prop I worked on has since been cut from the story, but I’m able to share it here with you. The first three images were quite general explorations to get a feel for what the director wanted. I enjoyed thinking aboutContinue reading “Knife Designs”

Historical Fashion

One of the last times I was up in Edinburgh I sketched these at the museum in Chambers Street. Though I took no notes on colour at the time, thankfully National Museums Scotland has a searchable database – it’s fantastic for research.

Inktober #2

See my previous Inktober post here. Here are the rest of my Inktober drawings for this year. I missed a couple of days, but otherwise I’m pleased with what I’ve accomplished. Ink can be very unforgiving, even with a pencil underdrawing. It’s been good to try something new and learn by trial and error …

Inktober #1

I’ve been taking part in Inktober – a challenge to do one ink drawing every day of October. They’ve all been posted on my Twitter but I’m just now getting round to posting them here. I haven’t followed the official prompts; instead I’m drawing costumes through the years referencing John Peacock’s fantastic book Costume: 1066 to theContinue reading “Inktober #1”