All In Gesture – Jane

It’s been great to get back to gesture drawing, and what a session to do it with! Jane’s a wonderful character. I loved exploring some of the situations from Tarzan – and now I know what I’m watching tonight!

All In Gesture – Disgust and Joy

Last Saturday’s All In Gesture class theme was the characters Disgust and Joy from Inside Out. Both express strong emotions, so it was fun to draw and exaggerate the model! I also had a few attempts at drawing the characters.

All In Gesture – Hobbit

As I love The Lord of the Rings I had to draw this session, even though it’s a little ways back in the All In Gesture archives! The hobbit is a little bit of Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam.

Studies from Jaws

A couple of weeks ago I watched Jaws for the first time. I’m not a fan of horror, which is one of the reasons I avoided the film for so long, but I found it to be much more of a thriller (with a couple of bloodthirsty scenes). One of the things I really likedContinue reading “Studies from Jaws”

Working on The Gaelic King

The Gaelic King is now available through Amazon, iTunes, HMV and Zoom in the UK! It’s exciting to know the film is out there, and people are watching this story for the first time. I thought I’d share some of the work I’ve done on the film from the last two years. There are someContinue reading “Working on The Gaelic King”

The Gaelic King Trailer

Scots warrior-king, Alpin, must fight to rescue his brother and regain the kingdom of Dalriata. The Gaelic King is an independent feature I was a story and concept artist on. Truffle Pictures has closed distribution deals for the film across North America, the UK, Japan, Italy and the Middle East. It’s releasing in the UK on theContinue reading “The Gaelic King Trailer”

Sketches from The Sound of Music

I love this movie. I’ve seen lots of sketches from other people who’ve doodled through films, and I’ve always wondered how they can do that. Well, now I’ve tried it I see the appeal! I loved capturing the lighting in the central drawing, and trying to catch likeness while the shot remained on screen (withContinue reading “Sketches from The Sound of Music”