All In Gesture – Travelling

Today I dusted the cobwebs off my pencil and newsprint pad and sat down to do some gesture drawing! Todd Bright’s weekly All In Gesture class gets recorded, so I was able to take part at a time that suited me. It was so much fun to do, despite being very rusty.


Last week I drew some gesture drawings of dogs from Line of Action and here are a few of the results! I enjoyed trying to capture the attitude of each dog. Most of these were drawn in 30 seconds. The ones with more detail were done in two minutes.

Dancer Studies

Recently I signed up to Scott Eaton’s Bodies in Motion website, which is stuffed to the gills with stunning figure references. The ‘Motions’ feature sequences of photographs of people dancing, leaping, and fighting. What’s lovely about it is that moments of action can be studied which could never be held by a life model. TodayContinue reading “Dancer Studies”

Gesture Drawings, August

I haven’t posted any figure drawings in ages. They’ve been building up for a while so here are some of my gesture drawings from a fantastic workshop that Sarah Airriess (former Disney animator, animation assistant on Duet, and animator on Ethel and Ernest) gave during the Animation Base Camp back in August. We began with two-minute posesContinue reading “Gesture Drawings, August”