Looking for Work!

My current contract is coming to an end, so I’m on the lookout for another storyboarding or clean up job! View my portfolio here or please get in touch if you’d like to view my protected portfolio. Thank you!

All In Gesture – Cruella

Another session from the archives! Some of my drawings lean more towards the Cruella of the animated movie, others more towards the model. Either way the poses were great fun. She’s a wonderfully mad villain.

Morna and Alistair

Morna and Alistair are from a story I’ve been working at over the last few months. As they both get older in it I’ve been trying to find characters that work at different ages. These quick doodles I did after work are the first ones I feel capture their characters.

Dancer Studies

Recently I signed up to Scott Eaton’s Bodies in Motion website, which is stuffed to the gills with stunning figure references. The ‘Motions’ feature sequences of photographs of people dancing, leaping, and fighting. What’s lovely about it is that moments of action can be studied which could never be held by a life model. TodayContinue reading “Dancer Studies”

Tutorial: Storyboarding in Photoshop

I’ve realised that the way I use Photoshop to storyboard isn’t that well known. This way of working uses Frame Animation within the Timeline panel. It takes a short while to organise new shortcuts and change a few settings, but once that’s done it’s easy to add new frames and scroll through the storyboard. MostContinue reading “Tutorial: Storyboarding in Photoshop”

Tree Seasons

There’s a little maple tree outside my window in the new house. At the beginning of the year when we had quite a lot of snow I did a quick study of it because I loved the way the snow blobbed around the branches. A couple of weeks ago, I did another study. It’s funContinue reading “Tree Seasons”

Loading .tpl files into Adobe Sketch

Updated 18th October 2017 Kyle posted a link to this Photoshop blog post today, announcing that his brushes will now only be available through an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. If you have already purchased and downloaded his brushes from Gumroad, you can still use the tutorial below to install the brushes into Adobe Sketch. IfContinue reading “Loading .tpl files into Adobe Sketch”

Collie Character

There’s been idea in my head that I’ve wanted to storyboard for a while. I’ve begun drawing thumbnails, but before going any further today I decided to get down some rough character designs. A dog features in this story, specifically a Border Collie, so I did some very loose drawings inspired by my own dogContinue reading “Collie Character”

How do I delete the white background from line art?

Over the last year I’ve been Googling the sentence above – how do I delete the white background from line art? I know that I know how to do this, but I keep forgetting. So I’ve decided to write it down so that I can reference it in future, and hopefully help others as well.Continue reading “How do I delete the white background from line art?”


I’ve been going along to several events at the Edinburgh International Film Festival this week. As part of the EIFF’s Youth Hub events I took part in a filmmaking competition. Each entry had to be made in under a week, and include the dialogue “young and the wild” and the prop of a mobile phone.Continue reading “Create”


I cleaned up and inbetweened the deer over the last couple of weeks. At first the movement appeared very even, so I removed some of the inbetweens and rejigged some of the remaining drawings to get back to the feeling I wanted. Once I was happy, I coloured it, added a little more to the background,Continue reading “Deer”

Deer Background and Breakdowns

I returned to my deer animation today, changing quite a lot of the ending and adding more breakdowns and inbetweens. I’m planning to clean it up in Photoshop, something like the deer shown below: quite loose and free, hopefully keeping some of the rough nature of the original.Here’s one of my favourite breakdowns from today: