All In Gesture – Adventurer

This session is from way back in the All In Gesture archives. I’m still working my way through all the sessions – some of which result in no good drawings, so I don’t post them! These ones brought back a lot of memories of a character I wrote stories about while I was in primaryContinue reading “All In Gesture – Adventurer”

Doodle Dump

One of the good things about taking the train is getting the chance to doodle away. Here are a few drawings from a recent trip. Mostly I just scribble, but the first group below are some characters from an old story of mine. I’ve been wondering about storyboarding the idea, or developing it further inContinue reading “Doodle Dump”

Collie Character

There’s been idea in my head that I’ve wanted to storyboard for a while. I’ve begun drawing thumbnails, but before going any further today I decided to get down some rough character designs. A dog features in this story, specifically a Border Collie, so I did some very loose drawings inspired by my own dogContinue reading “Collie Character”

Inktober #1

I’ve been taking part in Inktober – a challenge to do one ink drawing every day of October. They’ve all been posted on my Twitter but I’m just now getting round to posting them here. I haven’t followed the official prompts; instead I’m drawing costumes through the years referencing John Peacock’s fantastic book Costume: 1066 to theContinue reading “Inktober #1”

30 Second Horses

Some wind-down sketches from this afternoon. Also, the first little bit has been released about the project I’ve been working on for the last eight weeks. I’ve been a Story Artist on the Animation Base Camp, a trainee programme with mentorship from Sony Pictures Animation. Find out more here!

Sketches from The Sound of Music

I love this movie. I’ve seen lots of sketches from other people who’ve doodled through films, and I’ve always wondered how they can do that. Well, now I’ve tried it I see the appeal! I loved capturing the lighting in the central drawing, and trying to catch likeness while the shot remained on screen (withContinue reading “Sketches from The Sound of Music”

Bristol Museum

I visited Bristol Museum today and sketched some of the creatures there. This tiger was shot by George V in 1911, which is some sort of distinction I suppose. It was in an amazing crouched position and at first glance appeared to be ferocious. The longer I looked at it, however, the more it lookedContinue reading “Bristol Museum”