All In Gesture – Irish Lass

I thought I’d shake things up by drawing on paper as I’ve been glued to my computer the last few months … especially as it’s been a while since I last did some gesture drawing. These are some sketches from the ‘Irish Lass’ All In Gesture class from back in March, which I drew justContinue reading “All In Gesture – Irish Lass”

All In Gesture – Adventurer

This session is from way back in the All In Gesture archives. I’m still working my way through all the sessions – some of which result in no good drawings, so I don’t post them! These ones brought back a lot of memories of a character I wrote stories about while I was in primaryContinue reading “All In Gesture – Adventurer”

Creating the Title Page for Kinsey’s Sword

Here’s a look at some of the process I went through drawing the title page for Kinsey’s Sword. As it was the first spread I painted for the book I was still trying to capture the style of the illustrations. Initially I’d thought I’d add a lot more detail and move further away from theContinue reading “Creating the Title Page for Kinsey’s Sword”

Kinsey’s Sword Thumbnails

A few years ago I posted some images from a short story I’d written and illustrated. You can view them here if you didn’t see them the first time around! The story follows Kinsey, a young Queen who battles her fears in order to reclaim her sword, her family, and her purpose. Since then I’veContinue reading “Kinsey’s Sword Thumbnails”

Action Gestures

I meant to post these last weekend, but forgot. I drew them last month, using the Bodies in Motion site, beginning with 30 second poses and gradually giving myself more time. The site is excellent for capturing poses that a model would never be able to hold.

Knife Designs

Early last year I created some concept art for a feature film. Unfortunately the prop I worked on has since been cut from the story, but I’m able to share it here with you. The first three images were quite general explorations to get a feel for what the director wanted. I enjoyed thinking aboutContinue reading “Knife Designs”

Show Jumping Horses

I keep mentioning on this blog that I want to do more drawing from life, so when the stable I’ve begun riding at advertised an informal show jumping event I went along to sketch the participants. At the beginning it was hard to put more than a couple of lines down, but after a whileContinue reading “Show Jumping Horses”


I’ve been referencing horses for a project, so I’ve spent some time drawing them in order to figure out how they work. Using Line of Action I did some quick gestures, and then I searched for various images through Google to sketch in more detail. The hooves are particularly hard to draw, especially when they’re hidden inContinue reading “Horses”

Character and Story Masterclass

Last month I got to take part in a fantastic two-day masterclass with Wouter Tulp and John Nevarez. On one day we came up with different character poses and situations for someone saying ‘Go ahead, I’ll wait.’ The drawings above were my first rough ideas. I wanted to show a little girl waiting outside herContinue reading “Character and Story Masterclass”